6th of March, 2025

Portada » USMCA promotes harmonization of energy efficiency standards

USMCA promotes harmonization of energy efficiency standards

2 julio, 2020
The Treaty between Mexico, United States and Canada (T-MEC) promotes the harmonization and cooperation of the Parties regarding the development, adoption and application of energy efficiency standards and related testing procedures.

The USMCA promotes the harmonization and cooperation of the Parties regarding the development, adoption and application of energy efficiency standards and related testing procedures.

An energy efficiency standard means a specification, which contains energy efficiency or usage requirements for an energy-using product, that specifies the efficiency (performance) or maximum amount of energy that can be consumed by a product when it is qualified for compliance with the specified test procedure

The three countries agreed to cooperate on energy efficiency standards and related testing procedures in order to facilitate trade in the region and advance energy efficiency, including through the use of existing forums.

Each country will post the following information online for each of the competent authorities at its central level of government that is responsible for developing, implementing, reviewing, or enforcing energy efficiency standards or related testing procedures: a description of each authority, including the specific responsibilities of the authority; and a point of contact within each authority.

Energy efficiency standards

Each Party will also promptly notify the other Parties of any material changes to this information and update the information online.

With respect to products for which each of the three countries applies energy efficiency standards or test procedures as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall endeavor to harmonize on one hand the test procedures for those products more than take eight years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement and, on the other hand, energy efficiency standards for those products no later than nine years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.

In developing or modifying energy efficiency standards or testing procedures for a product, each Party shall give due consideration to adopting: energy performance standards and testing procedures adopted by another Party; or industry standards that an accredited standards development organization in the territory of another Party has completed and published for the product.

