15th of March, 2025

Portada » Volaris registers a 35.1% drop in passenger transport

Volaris registers a 35.1% drop in passenger transport

4 septiembre, 2020
Volaris transported a total of 1.2 million passengers in August, which implies an annual decrease of 35.1%, but an improvement compared to June, when its fall was 21.6 percent.

Volaris transported a total of 1.2 million passengers in August, which implies an annual decrease of 35.1%, but an improvement compared to June, when its fall was 21.6 percent.

The latter reflects that the sequential recovery seen since June continues.

Volaris‘ domestic passenger traffic fell 31.4% year-over-year, while international passenger traffic fell -50.2 percent.

Domestic flights represent 85% of the total.

Operating indicators also reflected an annual decline, but an improvement versus last month.

Demand measured in passenger miles transported (RPMs) was -31.6% lower than that of August 2019 (+ 20.8% vs. July 2020), while capacity measured in available seats per mile (ASMs) decreased -21.4% annually (+ 21.8% vs. July 2020).

In the domestic market, annual demand decreased 24.8% and capacity decreased 12.1%; These figures are encouraging due to the gradual improvement seen in the last three months, according to Intercam Banco.


In September, the airline plans to operate 75% of the capacity of the originally published itinerary, we anticipate that this percentage will continue to improve.

The load factor was 72.6%, decreasing -10.8 percentage points compared to August 2019. The national reserved load factor was 73.6%, while the international one was 69.2%. During August Volaris provided service to 62 airports and 141 routes, this is equivalent to 95% and 75% of what was operated prior to Covid-19.

«With the report we confirm our expectations that Volaris is having a faster recovery than its competitors, which allows it to increase its leadership in the market,» said Intercam Banco.

Intercam Banco reiterated that the ultra-low-cost model and its focus on VFR passengers allow Volaris to seize opportunities and solidify its leadership position.

“Finally, Volaris maintains a good cash position and this Wednesday announced that it will hold an Extraordinary Assembly in which proposals for the injection of resources will be discussed. The latter would strengthen the liquidity position and allow them to take advantage of neglected opportunities in the market, ”said Intercam Banco.