17th of March, 2025

Portada » Volaris sees opportunity to gain market share in 2020

Volaris sees opportunity to gain market share in 2020

10 diciembre, 2020
Volaris reported that based on disclosures from its domestic competitors, it believes that approximately one-third of Mexico's narrow body fleet will be out of service by December 31, 2020.

Volaris reported that based on disclosures from its domestic competitors, it believes that approximately one-third of Mexico’s narrow body fleet will be out of service by December 31, 2020.

«As such, we believe there is a significant short-term opportunity for Volaris to serve these customers and expand our network, including at airports with restricted spaces such as the Mexico City Airport,» the company said.

Volaris has already demonstrated its ability to act quickly on these opportunities when it began operating a series of new spaces at the Mexico City Airport that its competitors have temporarily left behind and launched five new national routes and seven new international routes from the City of Mexico since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

«We believe that there remains a significant opportunity for continued expansion,» the company added.

Volaris and its international expansion

The company believes that its low cost, together with its business and leisure traveler model, represents a unique opportunity to continue its international expansion.

Applying its selection criteria and approach, Volaris projects that there are more than 125 routes internationally that would complement its existing network and contribute to its bottom line.

These routes include continued penetration into Visiting Family and Friends (VFR) markets in the United States, where it currently has a strong network presence in key markets such as California and Illinois, as well as potential expansion into Central America. and potentially in South America.