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Portada » Water Shortages: China’s Cities

Water Shortages: China’s Cities

20 febrero, 2023
Escasez de agua: las ciudades de China. Water scarcity: China's cities. Pénurie d'eau : les villes de Chine.

China‘s Ministry of Water Resources notes on its website that, of the nation’s 663 cities, more than 400 suffer from water shortages, and 110 of them are classified as «severe.»

Although China is upgrading its water distribution infrastructure at a time when it faces enormous challenges in two directions, notes ZK International Group Vo., Ltd.

On the one hand, water quality remains a problem and, on the other hand, reliable water distribution networks in many cities are still under development.

With nearly 20% of the world’s population, but access to only 5% of the planet’s renewable freshwater resources, it is easy to understand why water resources management has been a high social priority in China.

Like many things, opportunities always come with challenges.

ZK International Group believes that there are political and economic incentives in this field that attract investment from government and private companies.

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP), the quality of drinking water has also improved significantly: 76% of water sources are safe to drink, up from 53.4% in 2004.

Water shortages

Despite these improvements in drinking water quality, distribution networks across China remain deficient, with many cities relying on decades-old, outdated and rusty pipe networks.

Total water consumption in 2018 was 611 billion cubic meters, an increase of 1.1% from the previous year.

In particular, domestic water consumption increased 1.4 percent, industrial water consumption grew 0.6 percent, agricultural water consumption was up 1.1 percent, and ecological water supply advanced 3.8 percent.

From 2010 to 2017, the length of China’s water supply pipelines and total water supply have increased year by year.

In 2017, the length of China’s water supply pipelines reached 797,000 kilometers, a year-on-year increase of 5.28 percent; China’s total water supply reached 59.38 billion cubic meters, 2.26 percent more

ZK International Group operates mainly through its subsidiary Zhejiang Zhengkang.

Its core business focuses on providing systematic solutions for construction projects requiring sophisticated piping systems.

The company’s products are mainly sold in China, but are also exported and distributed in Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia.


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