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What is the SIAVI?, 10 responses from the Ministry of Economy of Mexico

14 mayo, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía presentó este viernes la versión 5.0 del Sistema de Información Arancelaria Vía Internet (Siavi). The Ministry of Economy presented this Friday version 5.0 of the Internet Tariff Information System (Siavi).

The Ministry of Economy of Mexico presented this Friday version 5.0 of the Internet Tariff Information System (Siavi).

For a better understanding, the Ministry of Economy asked the following questions and responded to them.

What is the SIAVI?

It is the Tariff Information System Via Internet, it is a platform that provides information on foreign trade, tariff information and regulations by tariff fraction and country of origin or destination, as well as modifications in the Tariff of the Law of General Import Taxes and of Exportation (TIGIE).

What information does SIAVI provide?

The system provides import and export statistics, by country, from 2003 to date. The data of the merchandise can be obtained in value and volume, aggregated on an annual or monthly basis.

It provides the general import and export tax, as well as the tariff history, which reflects the tariff modifications over time.

It allows to know the Non-Tariff Regulations and Restrictions (RRNA) that regulate the entry or exit of goods. From institutions such as SEDENA, SAGARPA, SE, SEMARNAT, SSA, etc.

The system indicates which goods have tariff preferences, based on the tax relief lists of the trade agreements that our country has.

How often is the system updated?

The SIAVI foreign trade statistics section is updated monthly. In Mexico, the revised foreign trade figures at the tariff fraction level have a lag of just under 3 months, this is due to the fact that the information obtained from commercial transactions carried out in the country’s customs is reviewed by Banco de México before make it official.

The part of tariffs and regulations are updated as soon as there are modifications in the General Import and Export Tax Rate.

Does SIAVI allow you to classify a product?

No, to consult the information related to a merchandise, it must be previously classified.

How does SIAVI help me if I want to import or export my products?

It allows you to start the investigation of the technical details to carry out the import, at the tariff and regulatory level, and use the foreign trade data to carry out an analysis of the countries to which it can be exported or from which it can be imported.

What is the organization base of SIAVI’s information?

The basis of the system is the order of classification of products that gives us the General Import and Export Tax Rate (TIGIE). Disaggregation is presented at the 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 digit level. This classification is based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), applied internationally.

What is the meaning of chapter, heading, subheading, fraction and NICO?

Faced with the need for an adequate mechanism to identify, classify and regulate merchandise traded, the WCO establishes an international nomenclature called the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (Harmonized System or HS) with the following numerical coding:

  • The chapters (2 digits), is the largest grouping of goods that are similar to each other.
  • Each chapter is subdivided into groups, called headings (4 digits).
  • Each item is subdivided into specialties, called subheadings (6 digits).

After the six digits, each country will be able to add more digits to specify the products of its interest. In the case of Mexico, 4 more digits are added, to 8 digits they make up the tariff fraction, they are those that define the merchandise and the quota applicable to it within the corresponding subheading. These are subdivided and two more digits are added, the Commercial Identification Numbers (NICO, 10 digits) whose objective is to facilitate the identification of the goods and give greater precision to the statistical information on foreign trade.

What are the information sources used on this site?

Regulatory information: Confederation of Associations of Customs Agents of the Mexican Republic (CAAAREM)

Tariff information: General Import and Export Tax Rate (TIGIE) and CAAAREM

Statistics: Tax Administration Service, Ministry of Economy, Bank of Mexico, National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics.

Do the statistical values ​​include freight and insurance?

Statistical information reflects total merchandise exports and imports; that is, the commercial operations of merchandise that have completed the respective customs procedures.

Exports are valued FOB (Free on Board), which in Spanish is equivalent to LAB (Free on Board) and refers to the sale value of the goods at the customs office of exit.

Likewise, imports also include freight, insurance and other incremental expenses, which result in CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) imports, which in Spanish is equivalent to CSF ​​(Costs, Insurance and Freight).

Can I make a query of the entire rate with SIAVI?

No, the query is by unit, either chapter, heading, subheading, fraction or NICO.