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Who is Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal?

22 febrero, 2022
Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal es presidente del Consejo d Administración de Becle. Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal is Chairman of the Becle Board of Directors.

Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Becle, a globally recognized leading company in the distilled alcoholic beverages industry.

Academically, he has a degree in accounting from the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) and a master’s degree in business administration from the same institution.

In addition, he has completed various graduate programs in business administration at Stanford University.

Beckmann Vidal joined Becle, now the world’s largest tequila-producing company, in 1964.

After holding various positions in the areas of operations, finance, sales and marketing, as well as in the international division, he was appointed Vice President and, later, in 1972, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Becle.

Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal is an independent member of the board of directors of Grupo Financiero Banamex, Grupo Peñoles and Grupo Aeroméxico, among other companies.

He is also a member of the Business Coordinating Council, the Mexican Council for Foreign Trade (Comce), the Mexican Business Council and the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).

Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal

He is also involved in various non-profit organizations, including the Association to Adopt a Work of Art, the Old College of San Ildefonso, the National Museum of Art, (MUNAL), the Dolores Olmedo Museum, the Papalote Children’s Museum, the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature, the Association for the Best, the Federico Gómez Children’s Hospital of Mexico, Operation Smile, the Monterrey Institute of Technology in Mexico City, and the Jose Cuervo Foundation.

The following table shows certain information regarding the participation of the main shareholders of the Company at the end of 2020:

In the last three years there have been no significant changes in the ownership percentage held by Becle’s main shareholders.

At the end of 2020, the only beneficial shareholders of more than 10% of Becle’s capital stock are Juan Domingo Beckmann Legorreta and members of his immediate family.

It could be considered, for certain purposes, that, jointly, said persons exercise control, significant influence in the company and, consequently, have power of command with respect to it. No other director owns more than 1% of the company’s capital stock.

Except for what is described in this section, no other natural or legal person, including foreign governments, has a shareholding of more than 10% of the capital stock and to date there is no commitment known to the company that could mean a change of control in the company’s shares.


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