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Who is Xavier García de Quevedo Topete?

17 abril, 2023
¿Quién es Xavier García de Quevedo Topete? Who is Xavier García de Quevedo Topete? Qui est Xavier Garcia de Quevedo Topete ? Quem é Xavier García de Quevedo Topete?

Xavier García de Quevedo Topete is, since November 1999, a Director of Southern Copper Corporation, one of the largest integrated copper producers in the world.

Garcia de Quevedo was Chief Operating Officer of that company from April 12, 2005 until April 23, 2015 of that company.

Since November 1, 2014, he has served as President of Grupo Mexico‘s infrastructure division, comprised of Grupo Mexico’s energy, gas, oil and construction subsidiaries.

He is also Vice President of Grupo Mexico.

Mr. Garcia de Quevedo was President and Chief Executive Officer of Southern Copper Minera Mexico from September 2001 until November 1, 2014.

He was President and Chief Executive Officer of Americas Mining Corporation (AMC) from September 7, 2007 to October 31, 2014.

From December 2009 to June 2010, Garcia de Quevedo was President and Chief Executive Officer of Asarco LLC.

Previously, he was President of Asarco LLC from November 1999 to September 2001.

Mr. García de Quevedo began his professional career in 1969 with Grupo Mexico. He was President of Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. and Ferrocarril Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. from December 1997 to December 1999, and Executive Vice President of Exploration and Development of Grupo Mexico from 1994 to 1997.

García de Quevedo

He has been a director of Grupo Mexico since April 2002.

In addition, he was Vice President of Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V. (a producer of telecommunications, electronics and automotive parts) for eight years.

Mr. García de Quevedo was President of the Mining Chamber of Mexico (Camimex) from November 2006 to August 2009.

He holds a degree in chemical engineering from UNAM in Mexico City, Mexico. He also completed a continuing business administration and finance program at the Monterrey Technical Institute in Monterrey, Mexico.

According to Southern Copper Corporation, Garcia de Quevedo brings to that company his extensive business experience and leadership, his knowledge of the industry, his abilities to motivate high-performance talent, and his general management skills.

During his more than 45 years of experience as an executive of Grupo Mexico and subsidiaries, he was responsible for the development of Grupo Mexico’s integration strategy.

He was directly responsible for the development of Grupo Mexico’s copper smelter, refinery, precious metals and wire rod plants.

Mr. García de Quevedo also led the process of acquiring railroad concessions for Grupo Mexico, the formation of Grupo Ferroviario Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. and its association with Union Pacific.

Previously, he had a distinguished career as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Grupo Condumex, S.A. de C.V., where among other achievements, he was responsible for the formation of a division for the sales, marketing and distribution of products in the United States and Latin America, where he headed the Telecommunications division.


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