9th of March, 2025

Portada » Wholly Guacamole dominates US sales

Wholly Guacamole dominates US sales

1 diciembre, 2021
Los productos Wholly Guacamole ofrecen una línea completa de deliciosos sabores de guacamole. Wholly Guacamole products offer a full line of delicious guacamole flavors.

Wholly Guacamole products offer a full line of guacamole flavors and have been the # 1 selling brand in America for 10 years in a row.

All Wholly Guacamole products are made with hand-picked Hass avocados, gluten-free and Kosher certified.

This guacamole is made with the same principles that founder Don Bowden devised in 1989, giving consumers a convenient taste made with real ingredients without the use of chemicals or heat.

In August 2011, Herdez Del Fuerte through its associate MegaMex Foods acquired Fresherized Foods, Inc, a company located in Texas, United States, producer of processed avocado and guacamole.

The acquisition included the Wholly Avocado and Wholly Guacamole brands, which are sold in supermarket chains and through institutional sales in the United States.

Wholly Guacamole is the leading processed avocado and guacamole brand in the United States and is marketed through supermarket and institutional channels.

Thanks to a high pressure processing technology pioneered by Fresherized Foods, avocado products are 100% natural and retain their excellent flavor, texture and nutrients while ensuring the highest level of food safety.

Wholly Guacamole

Currently, the products of the MegaMex portfolio are acquired by more than a third of the households in the United States, reaching a penetration greater than 50% in the western region.

During 2020, Herdez and Wholly Guacamole sauces gained distribution, and the latter category continues to benefit from growth of over 24% in annual comparison and gaining market share.

Kosher certification

This is a kosher seal of approval from a rabbinical agency that verifies that they have verified the ingredients of the products, the production facility, and the actual production to ensure that all ingredients, derivatives, tools, and machinery are free from traces of non-kosher substances. .

The Kosher Certificate symbol assures consumers that both the actual product and its production meet all the requirements of the Kosher Law.

The Bible lists the basic categories of foods that are not kosher. These include certain animals, birds and fish (such as pig and rabbit, eagle and owl, catfish and sturgeon), most insects, and any shellfish or reptiles.

In addition, kosher species of meat and poultry must be slaughtered in the prescribed manner, and meat and dairy products cannot be manufactured or consumed together.


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