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WTO: Mexico, the WTO12 and its negotiating arm

10 octubre, 2022
México ha sido un enérgico demandante de un proceso de Reforma de la OMC, destacó el gobierno federal de ese país. Mexico has been an energetic demander of a WTO reform process, the Mexican federal government emphasized.

Mexico has been a strong proponent of a process to reform the World Trade Organization (WTO), according to the Mexican federal government.

For this reason, it actively participates in the Group of Friends of the System and the Ottawa Group, both of which have presented communications and proposals in favor of the system and its reform.

The recent results of the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) show that, in the face of a complicated economic environment, the members are capable of reaching consensus to the benefit of the system.

Even though Mexico was seeking more ambitious results in agriculture and fisheries, the Mexican government is certain that the «Geneva Package» offers new impetus to a negotiating arm that for many was paralyzed and with no prospect of movement.

Thus, Mexico welcomes the successful conclusion of the negotiations on fisheries subsidies at the recent WC12.

The Mexican government is convinced that the WTO has responded to its obligation to contribute to stop the depredation of the seas and to ensure their sustainability.

In accordance with Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture, it is a priority for Mexico to continue with the agricultural reform process and to establish disciplines for the reduction of trade-distorting domestic subsidies and tariffs.


Mexico actively participates in joint initiatives among members with a common vision and the possibility of doing so, to assume new commitments in the areas of Investment Facilitation, Electronic Commerce and Domestic Regulation of Services.

Regarding the latter, the Mexican government welcomes its successful conclusion in 2021 and encourages other members to participate in the agreements reached.

Similarly, Mexico actively participates in the joint MSMEs initiative, where it has led the coordination of the Trade4MSMES platform.

At the same time, Mexico favors and advocates for better participation and inclusion of women in international trade, which is why it actively participates in the WTO Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender.

In another area, Mexico participates in the Structured Discussions on Trade and Environmental Sustainability (TESSD), as it recognizes that international trade and trade policy are essential factors in facilitating the transition to a green economy and supports global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


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