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WTO resolution proves US protectionism: China

16 septiembre, 2020
China opera 21 zonas de libre comercio en fase piloto, informó este lunes Wang Wentao, ministro de Comercio de China. China operates 21 free trade zones in a pilot phase, said Wang Wentao, China's trade minister, on Monday.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) resolution on US tariffs imposed on imports from China is evidence of US protectionism, the Chinese government declared.

A panel ruled Tuesday that the additional tariffs imposed by the United States on China in 2018 under Section 301 are inconsistent with global rules.

China appreciates the objective and fair decision taken by the expert group, said a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

“Due to the wrong practices of unilateralism and trade protectionism of the United States, China has resorted to the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO, which is a necessity to safeguard its own rights and legitimate interests.

«It also demonstrates China’s strong determination to abide by WTO rules and maintain the authority of the multilateral trading system,» he added.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core is the cornerstone of international trade.

“China has always strongly supported and maintained this cornerstone and has respected the WTO rules and rulings. China also hopes that the United States will fully respect the decisions of the Expert Group and the rules-based multilateral trading system, and take practical steps to meet with China and other WTO members to jointly maintain the multilateral trading system and promote development. stable and healthy world economy ”, he said.


The inconsistent measures relate to China‘s laws, policies, and practices on technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation imposed by the United States pursuant to Section 301 of the 1974 Foreign Trade Act, among other laws.

These measures include an additional 25% duty on imports from China worth approximately $ 34 billion, as well as an additional 10% duty on imports from China worth approximately $ 200 billion.